Saturday, May 06, 2006 |
Sleepy.... |
look at me - awake and updating at 8:40am on a saturday morning - craziness... admittedly my alarm goes off at 8:30am anyway... but the reason i'm so wide awake is coz I had Emily knocking on my door just after 8am this morning asking if i wanna go paint-balling (is slightly annoyed because who in their right mind knocks on anyone's door that early in the morning on a saturday?!) anyway - apparently it costs like £30 which is craziness... and she was giving me 10 mins to get ready *duh* so i'm not doing that... but of course the result is that i couldn't get back to sleep - and very sleepy though so might try and get another half hour before i get up properly...
Anyway - have this feeling... just really wanna go to church tonight... but don't particularly wanna go on my own... (would go to one of the services in the city, not my own church obviously) but i dunno... if i'm meant to be at a service tonight then maybe that opportunity will arise... I don't really like going into other churches etc alone especially if i've never been to one before.... ach i dunnno.
Anyway plans for today after i've stopped being sleepy is to go into the city centre at some point, and do some reading for darrell's class (which i really need to do) 'n thats about it i guess. unless i go to the cinema or something... Kat's away this weekend on a residential with her youth group so it's pretty quiet up here... (well not really, but yeh - lol).
Ach i should go... |
posted by TLT @ 8:42 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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