My random ramblings...
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37v4.   
Friday, March 02, 2007
tired, but feeling better...
was feeling awful last night... but the weight has lifted. So it's good...

Bought a couple of great CDs the other day when I was in Wesley Owen... They're CDs from bands that will be playing at Frenzy this year... getting more excited about it now!!!! *grins*

First up... Casting Crowns... Linving some of the lyrics on this album. got one of them as my MSN name at the moment.... it's from the song 'What if his people prayed'... Just so happend to be the line "What if the family turned to Jesus, stopped asking Oprah what to do..." - so true... people, even Christians, spend so much of their time looking for answers in the world, but they rarely if at all go to God for the answers... So yeah... American band... huge in fact... but I kinda like their style...

Second... Leeland... A newer band to me... had never heard of them until one of my young people who is very up on keeping tabs on who's going to be at Frenzy sent me a link to their myspace a couple of months agi... They kinda remind me of Starfield who were there last year. But yes... apparently Leeland are from Texas... so another American band... if anything i guess this is kinda proving that we just don't have any good bands over at this side of the Atlantic *lol*.

So yes... those were my purchases... am currently looking into the possibility of get other churchs to join with us to get a bus of some description going from this area... we shall see... it's a while off... but my lesson has been to get these things sorted sooner rather than later...

anyway i was up early for a meeting this morning... well not really, but yeh, was up really late last night, and my heads still throbbing... perhaps some food will help *smiles*

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posted by TLT @ 11:57 am  
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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I'm a fan of Shaun the Sheep!

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