Ok so i couldn't think of a better title... As i'm watching Stargate SG-1 on Sky 1 at the moment which i couldn't until they somehow randomly let virgin have it again - i feel that i missed something there, but there you go - happy days.
Abbie is currently sitting looking at me doing her grunting thing - she obviously wants me to do something - although i have no idea what as i don't speak puppy language... can anyone else?
I think she possibly wants her dinner, coz it is getting towards that time - but i'm thinking she can wait another 10 mins or so coz it's not even 5pm yet! (well it will be by the time i finish this but yeh.)
Anyway - it's been a busy few weeks (whats new??) Full of ups and downs and generally just pushing to keep things going... But there had been plenty of cool stuff that keeps me going =)
We had a coffee morning for our youth fund last weekend and my mum 'n dad took my grandparents down with them -it was sooo good having them all here - abbie really enjoyed it too!!!! *hehehe*
Things have been a bit more relaxed this week - though in some ways not so much lol -just a different kind of busy i guess. Even today has been rather full - got prep to do tonight before tomorrow morning now - kids address here I come - *heh*Labels: busy, coffee morning, grandparents, kids address |