Monday, September 01, 2008 |
it's been a while... |
i have been completely neglecting this blog - sorry about that. The last 3 months have been crazy busy... and i was away most of the summer and the 2 weeks since my return from corfu have been especially crazy busy seeing that it's the start of term and there are multiple meetings before groups start back, and of course i'm in the throws of sorting out our trip to Glenshee as a youth ministry in february, part of which is a coffee morning and car wash which we're having on Saturday coming. It's slightly crazy, but it's all ok i suppose...
There were two things that really have made my spirit leap over the past 24 hours though... the first being that one of my (now) volunteers said in a very matter of factly way yesterday whilst taking to another friend that Troon was the 'best mission' they'd ever been on. They've been on a few, with some really great leaders and it really meant a lot that they felt that troon 08 was special enough to label it as they did. it was a special mission - i too would happily say it was the best i've ever been on - not because i was co-leading with heidi, but God was just sooooo close to the team and it's just soooo difficult to explain it all with words. It was most definitely a special week that i won't be forgetting in a hurry.
second thing is that tonight at band one of my yp (who plays) was singing a few of the songs - it almost made me cry. I've never seen them sing while playing before. In fact they don't usually look comfortable singing at all. But it was kinda like they were singing from the heart - like it was coming naturally - it was beautiful. I didnt' say anythign lol didn't want to embarass them. But i thank God for them *grins*
So i can go to my bed with a big smile on my face - coz through others God has indeed blessed me =D |
posted by TLT @ 10:04 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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