OK so i got moaned at a bit for not updating this for a few months when I was at home over Christmas... so here it goes.
needless to say, i'm cold. like actually sitting in my living room in Bishopbriggs with the wee gas fire on with a big hoodie on (hood up) with socks AND furry socks, and my fleecy dressing gown wrapped around my legs.... despite all of that my feet are cold. my hands are cold, my nose is cold. Get the point? its COLD! Meanwhile Abbie is on her beanbag beside me completely comfortable and unaware (and sound asleep, no surprise there then)... oh to have a nice thick furry coat like she has!
But yeh... so... Was at home in Kemnay for a fortnight over Christmas. Got back to the Briggs on Monday... but the big news around at the moment is the 'cold snap' we're currently in... hence the fact that i'm COLD! BUt yeh... it started snowing the day before I went north before CHristmas... and bottom line is that it's never left. We've not really had any more snow here in Bishopbriggs over the past few days... but its so unbelievably cold that the snow is hanging about (which is crazy, that never happens in the city!), not that that is having an affect on life... the yp are still at school much to their annoyance LOL.
But back home in Kemnay is another story... The schools haven't made it back after their Christmas break yet... they've had an INSANE amount of snow...

That... would be Hollie, Abbie's doggy sister. AS you can see she's struggling a bit to move through the snow its THAT deep... and that was last night... they've had even more snow since then.
NOw I know that ultimately the extreme amounts of snow some parts of the country are having is ultimately a bit of a pain and causes a lot of problems... but still. I'd like some more please??????
Anyway I think i'm perhaps going to go first-footing some friends before some work and then perhaps wig tonight... =)
laters......Labels: Abbie, cold, hollie, snow |