Monday, October 25, 2004 |
(music - everytime, britney spears)
Had an ok day yesterday - having Cherie along to the over 15's group went well, and we managed to have 5 young people there at the same time - has to be the most we've ever had (at the one time) - which was fantastic! Then came home and played the mindless game of Sim City 3000 on the computer all afternoon, which was nice and relaxing and then headed back to church (got soaked AGAIN!) and of course came back to college after church and settled down to watch a DVD.
so not much to report - got to work on essay today and do reading for class - whoo hoo! |
posted by TLT @ 12:53 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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