Thursday, January 13, 2005 |
(music - worthy is the Lamb, UP)
Right ok - so i was meant to get up early today so i could do some bits and pieces before class (didn't have class until 10:20am today - *YUS*) but i fell asleep again and woke up at 10am - so i didn't do that stuff until lunchtime - ah well... This mornings class was with Steve and was yet another fabby class - good laugh as well as learning loads... Then the afternoons class was just bor-ing... i've never been so bored in a lecture before!!! Doh! But anyway, then we had placement seminar which was ok i guess... Cherie was trying to get a date that she could come to my church to 'assess' me, and the earliest we could come up with was like the 13th of March (last week of term - LOL) which is fine i guess... Then i was meant to have a meeting with Geo, but the poor soul is in bed with a really bad cold *awwwwwww* but it gave me an extra 30 mins to do something for group so that was fine... Group was good, and we chatted about mission 'n stuff too, which if it happens for my young people will be really exciting!!!!
Then after waiting in the FREEZING cold for a bus home, i came back to be just in time for our wee fellowship thingy we have on thursday. Was a good laugh... games and chocolate cake coz it's Chai's birthday *grin* now i'm in my room and tired... off to bed for me i think... bit of reading perhaps... Reading HP1 again at the moment - hoping to have read all 5 again before 6 comes out in July *woot* but yeah...
time for bed. |
posted by TLT @ 11:33 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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- (music - with all i am, for all you're done)
- (music - over the mountains and the sea, unified p...
- (music - everyday, unified praise)
right well tod...
- (music - majesty (here i am), unified praise (deli...
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Argh... only been...
- (music, flashdance)
it's been an interesting day ...
- (music - Phantom of the Opera soundtrack)
been an...
- (no music)
right so yeah, that's me back in glasg...
- (music - none, just mum chatting to Fiona on the p...
- (music - tomorrow, Avril Lavgine)
tired, so tired...
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