Friday, February 25, 2005 |
(music - he wasn't, avril lavgine)
yeah ok, so sorry... been a bit busy this week... not that i'm any less busy just now, but i'm just procrastinating online for a bit... Got a bible study on sin to sort for BB tonight this afternoon *what joy* - why do they always leave the hard ones for me! *rolls eyes* although it IS an amazing opportunity. And now that i know the boys a bit better i reckon i can probably do a good 20 min session which will get through to them. but yeh... here's the low-down from the week...
Tuesday - ummm... *thinks* oh yeh, was in college all day which was ok. But by the evening i was green (feeling sick) i think it was just lack of sleep at the weekend catching up on me. So i did some work, but ended up in bed pretty early. Was talking to the yp on msn though and had an idea about having a mini easter service type thing just for them focusing on the point of the cross... something which they could possibly take their friends along to, and they were keen. So i've got that to organise too now, although i have a vision for what i think i need to do, so God is good!
Wednesday - was a busy day... spent the whole day working hard at doing various things i.e. relfections and workplans which had to be in by today, and my schools placement paperwork which also had to be in by today. Also started looking at essay stuff... wanting to get all of my essay at more-or-less done before easter, even if they aren't due until after easter break. hmmm can't think what else i did. I just know it was an insanely busy day! *lol*
yesterday - right ok... yesterday was college all day again. Classes were ok. Had worse i guess. And placement seminar was taken up with Scott and his questions *bless him* but yeah was ok. And then rushed off to work for a meeting with Geo, but he was practically falling asleep (he admits to not being a very good listener, even falls asleep in sermons *hehe*) so that was 'fun' but yeah, then we had inspired... which was actually TOTALLY encouraging, coz to older ladies from the congregation have answered our calls for help and came along last night to see what the group is about. Between them they have experience in dance and drama, and both seemed keen to get involved in helping on a long-term basis and the young folk we happy enough having them around, so God is answering yet another prayer!!! *yus!* anyway Geo gave me a lift back *bless him* and then we had fellowship, which was ok. we just sang a couple of the good old hymns and (amazing grace, and can it be and because he lives) and then shared stuff to pray about - so yeh, was good. Then i was mucking around with an orange (was left over from my dinner which i had been eating during the group) and accidentally through it straight into a cup of coffee!!!! DOn't think i could have done that deliberately if i had TRIED!!!! *hehe* But yeah... we watched some of the 'the story of.....' from the Bill on itv 3 until like 12:30am and then i headed to bed and tried AGAIN to send my paperwork to cherie coz msn was being pants, and it worked *yay* and then i just rolled over and went to sleep... so yet another busy day.
Today - hmmm well so far, I've been faffing about trying to find some antivirus software for my beloved laptop, and ordered from amazon! so hopefully that'll come on monday... and i've had lunch... so i'm just procrastinating on prepping for BB tonight and over 15's on Sunday. But i think i know what i want to do for tonight and I DO know what i'm doing on Sunday, i just need to prep the Powerpoint, that's all... *grin* so yeah... it's all good. *grin*
my that was a long post... ah well, it happens when you've not posted in a while i suppose... will try not to leave it that long again if i can help it!!! *oops*
x |
posted by TLT @ 1:13 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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