Sunday, December 11, 2005 |
Narnia... |
Well got back from seeing Narnia not that long ago... was quite good. Obviously very different in someways from the BBC series which i grew up watching, but i got a tingle down my spine a few times... was good *grins* i won't give anything away though coz i'm sure you guys will be going to see it yourselves at some point...
was a laugh though... there was 8 of us there as a group... and sweets kept on getting passed up and down the line, was very funny. Kat 'n Jo 'n Josh 'n I were giggling away... then got back to Aileen trying to get the last of the scank off the cooker... I scrubbed it last, and she had some stronger stuff tonight to get the last of it off... those guys had better not even BOTHER leaving so much as a spit of grease on that cooker from now on!!!!!
anyway... decorated my room... well when i say decorated, i put up a couple of bits of tinsle and hung my tweety stocking outside my room... was very exciting though coz i got back tonight to find a wee bag of cadbury's buttons and a wee bag of milky way stars sticking out of it *grins* no idea who or what... but nice anyway *grins*
not much else to say... am tired. and i need to make a party invitation for the christmas party in advance of bible class tomorrow... so i should go 'n do that now....
nite |
posted by TLT @ 12:36 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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