Wednesday, February 08, 2006 |
is it stress or not? |
Well dad seems to think i'm stressed... although for once i don't actually feel it... at all. Apparently my bodies saying different... ah well. So what's happened since yesterday... well.... we were messed about yet again for our urban mission class... we are now in week 6 of 10 weeks, our assessment is due in a few weeks before the end of term and we don't even have a essay question yet.. that's how organised they are... and it's not the lecturers fault... it's OUR course folk thats causing the confusion... it's ridiculous... they should have these things sorted well in advance... But that seems to be the story of our lives right now... my year group is sailing very close to 'doing something' coz right now even our class rep isn't being listened to over certain issues.... *duh* Anyway - i've felt numb about the whole thing since yesterday, so i won't moan about it. It just seems to be one thing after another... it's really sad when practically a whole class in their final year are feeling left so frustrated that if they hadn't worked so hard for the past 2.5 years, they'd quite happily walk... the course folk are just making it too hard.
Annnnnnnnnnnnyway - so i was just sooo tired yesterday... met up with Sheena at lunchtime for a chat about some stuff... she seemed a bit better, and we talked about some other stuff which i was finding awkward at work... was good to chat with her about it. Helped me catch the ground again...
Then had college again in the afetrnoon which was fine... was wrecked by the end of it though - had to lie down for an hour before i could do anything else.... did some work after that... paperwork = my new best friend not *hehe* so yeh that's pretty much what i've been doing all of today too, except from the Elevate meeting that i was at tonight... But i've done most of the stuff so the list is getting shorter which is nice... means that my weekend will be a bit more chilled... Think i'll do a few films on Friday or Saturday depending on when i get my Bible Class prep done *grins*
Anyway so that's that... am tired... need to sleep. G'nite. |
posted by TLT @ 11:02 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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