Saturday, January 28, 2006 |
ER, O where art thou? |

awww mannnnnn.... it's not like they're shooting the episodes over, so why on earth is it taking them sooooo long to get the next season of ER out on DVD???? I mean really... is it that difficult??? Although i did come across a thing on a forum which suggested that it can't be too long now coz the BBFC have ok'd the extras for the boxset... They did that a couple of weeks ago... so that hopefully means that it won't be tooooo long before its out to buy... Need to keep my eyes on the online sites... will defo be keeping some Christmas money for that!!!!
So other than the above 'rant' today has been pretty slow... Not done much... Wanted to go out and get chocolate soooo many times but have thus far managed not to give into temptation... Haven't done any studying... but it's not that big a deal... This coming week is a study week, so i should have plenty of time seeing as we only have to be at 1 out of the 4 classes over the 2 days. I'm planning for Wednesday to be a me and God day i think... Well at least i hope that it turns out to be a me and God day.... After Catalyst last Sunday night i really felt challenged to spend more quality time alone with God... So yeh.
Anyways... so i spent most of the day watching ER episodes while making Thank you cards for all the pressies I got for Christmas... I know it's a bit late, but that's just how busy i've been.... I've been good at making myself have time to take off this weekend... Still have this stupid cough... but it's fine if i don't start coughing... but once i start, well it's just annoying. It's worse in the mornings though - but i guess that's just parr for the course. I have my trusty covonia now (Fiona aren't you proud?!) so hopefully it'll disappear in the next couple of days and I can get back to being a crazed and overworked student who never gets ill. *looks hopeful*
So it's quite good.... i'm not leading the Bible Class tomorrow so i have no prep to do... I am however leading Anathallo tomorrow night, and the elders are visiting *slight argh - but it has to happen some time*... we're talking about who the Holy Spirit is... should be interesting i think... I think i'll spend some extra time doing prep for it inbetween church 'n the evening service tomorrow... I know that this is something that the young people have been asking lots of questions about as we've been going through the Alpha course, so I know that it's important for me to tell them as much as I can... But it's slightly awkward having the elders there, coz as we all know sometimes folk for the CofS tend to find the Holy Spirit somewhat of a taboo... So i have to tread the fine line of answering the yp's questions as honestly as I can, but also making sure that i'm remaining sensitive to the elders present. Although having said that, the 2 elders we have assigned are both great guys and they both seemed pretty open-minded most of the time... so we'll just have to wait 'n see...
You know, i'm sitting here looking around my room and realising just how much stuff i've accumulated over the past 2 and a half years... i really am going to need a removal truck to move all of my stuff... to whereever that may be... I still haven't actually written up my CV you know... I guess that's going to have to be next weekends job. I had originally planned to do it at Christmas but it just didn't happen between one thing and another... it's been a manic few months!!
Right well... i'm off to break into the next season of ER... |
posted by TLT @ 9:12 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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