Saturday, January 14, 2006 |
*caught in the middle* |
Well today was meant to be a day off... and in a way it has been... coz despite the fact that i know i still haven't made or written the zillion thank you cards i have to do from Christmas, and I know that I still haven't done all of my reading for classes on Tuesday, and I know that I haven't done all of the transposing of songs for Heather etc for Youth Band, and I know I haven't started work on my presentation for the Kirk Session on Wednesday, not started my CV, i'm feeling averagely calm and relaxed and have spent most of the day busy pottering... In fact i don't know where the time has gone... I bought a groovy piece of software with my Christmas money though... Bible Software for my computer *grins* also went into town this morning 'n got some stuff... and oooooh the hi-light of my dad.... *drum roll*.... Nice 'n warm freashly baked wholemeal bread with soup *yummmmmmmy* I do however currently have a moan...
... am I think only person wishing that they would hurry up and release the next boxset of ER???? *argh* it's taking them like forrrrrrreeeeeeeevvvvvveeeeerrrrrrrrrr - the last one has been out since like October... this is getting ridiculas!!!!!!

oh ER... ER... where art thou???? *sad* |
posted by TLT @ 10:10 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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