Wednesday, December 21, 2005 |
*party* |
hehe... the party last night was sooooo much fun... very chilled... adults and yp interacted loads and it was just v cool... lots of food (junk food of course) and we did a music quiz which was fabby... and then of course we also had the famous dice game which was just funny... so much fun *hehe* and then at the end of the night we played pass the parcel with forfeits of course and finished the night with the newspaper team game when you have to get your team across the 'shark infested waters' the concept of which was completely lost by the other 2 teams, but my team rocked *hehe* was fun... they loved their glow sticks too *hehe* so yeh. was good... makes it all worthwhile when folk who don't usually comment come up to you at the end and thank you for such a great night. *grins* was a good end to a manic and hard term.
anyway - so today i didn't do much today... well nothing overly constructive anyway... i guess i'm completely in holiday mode now... spent the morning cleaning... had the lounge, my room 'n bathroom to do before i went tomorrow so i got them all sorted... and then Kat 'n I headed off to the cinema to see 'The Family Stone' which was an awesome film... was funny, but also had a very emotional theme running through it. was a lovely Christmassy film... def think i'll be looking to buy it when it comes out... then Kat 'n I went to Costa for hot chocolate... was good - had a nice chat... it's amazing what you can miss when you're not paying attention.
Then made dad dinner - was goooooooooooooooood and we went to the cinema... saw 'Merry Christmas - Joyeux Noel' another good film, but for very different reasons... this one was based on a true story during WW1. Was quite a thinker. But was good... dad enjoyed it too... liked the soundtrack too *grin*. So yeah not done much since i got back... although Kat 'n I delivered the stockings (anonymously of course - and Kat just had to insist on singing the 'mission impossible theme tune while we were trying to deliver them unnoticed *hehe* - to those who are staying here over Christmas... so hopefully they'll appreciate that on Christmas day.
so yeh... that's pretty much been my day. not very tired.. i guess i really am in hoilday mode *hehe* - so i've still got to pack clothes so that all my stuff is ready fo dad to pick up inbetween meetings tomorrow and then that's me... i'll be off to bed...
home tomorrow *grins* |
posted by TLT @ 12:04 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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