Monday, December 19, 2005 |
5 days to go... |
Well yeh... it's been a busy couple of days... sorry for the lack of update. it's been a weird couple of days... there have been good bits and not so good bits... but its all good i guess... Saturday Kat 'n I headed off to the cinema so i didn't get any work done in the end... Went to see 'Keeping Mum' which is this film about this 'insane' granny who goes around killing people with iron's etc who do things which are wrong... *lol* it's a brittish comedy starring Maggie Smith and Rowen Atkinson, and apart from the blasphamy at the start i actually quite enjoyed it *grins* Can't remember what i did on Saturday night... *thinks*
ah wait... i spent ages talking to mum etc over the web camera's and i gave mum her birthday pressie 'n stuff *grins* she liked it... *grins* so yeh... that was that.
So yesterday was another day of madness... was at church earlier than usual coz they yp were practising before they did their sketch for the Christmas service... the whole point of the sketch was about how Jesus was the best present that people could receive this Christmas - they wrote it themselves... i thought it was quite good. Had wanted to get it on camera, but someone hid it *rolls eyes* so yeah but it went down really well... and then Iain spoke really well and the nativity was really good too - so overall it was a really good service. Sheena gave me a lift home and we had a nice chat about stuff. Then i had lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon faffing about and making playlist for tonights party... then had to go back to church via tesco for party stuff... so i did that 'n headed back to church - got some extra bits for wrapping for tonight, so that was fun disguising them *grins*... then practised with the girls. They sang 'Away in a Manger' with harmonies... worked well i think... *grins* then after that we all headed off to Narnia... was good... and with all the things that could have caused us problems, God just had his hand on it all and so everything went fine and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves *grin*...
so yeh thats pretty much my weekend... Today I had a lazy morning... then was out with Sheena for lunch 'n we went to Buchanan Galleries coz she had some last minute shopping... Was a good afternoon... I enjoy spending time with her... is always a laugh and we just chat about all sorts.. have kinda missed that since she got together with Geo... but it was nice all the same.
So now i'm just getting the last bits and pieces together for tonight and then that's it... i'll be off to the party with a lift courtasy of dad... *grins* there's a few other things on tonight so a few of the yp can't come which is a shame... but hopefully it'll still work well... i've made sure that older folks can join in with the games too, so it should work...
I'll maybe be on again later to let you kno how it went... |
posted by TLT @ 4:29 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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