Tuesday, January 10, 2006 |
*chilled* |
sorry for the lack of a post yesterday... if it's any consellation it was because i was busy trying to finish the report which was due today *joy*... Youth Band was good last night though... was good to be back - and we had a really good worship session regardless of the constant interruptions... you know peeps who are walking through the middle of your group can do so less distruptively if they do so slightly rather than attracting your attention/ talking to you and then doing so... *rolls eyes* but it didn't bother me...
so yeh. Today was been good... had urban ministry class in the morning which was really interesting, but soooo much to take it... i reckon i'll be spending all of my spare time in the library for that one! And then at lunch time i had the amusing task of trying to figure out the quantities for the bread maker... who on earth would be 5/6 tsp of yeast in something??? it was just insane... mum helped my by giving me a different one in the end which made all things better *grins* Then had a class on pastoral care, which was ok... apart from the rather sweeping comment made about scottish evangelical christians at one point by the lecturer, and the fact that this particular was completely not was i was expecting given the topic title... but whatever.
then hung around talking to the girls for a bit which was nice... and made dinner for G who came over... 'n then we went out for a drink and had a really nice time just chatting which we haven't had properly since before he went to Broxburn in July... so that was good *grins* we for a walk with Kat 'n Josh to drop him off at the station and now that's me just back....so i'm looking to go to bed pretty soon me thinks. Have a meeting with Iain tomorrow afternoon and Em and I are going to enroll at the stratchclyde sports facility tomorrow... she's already been using their gym but has to renew her pass... i on the other hand don't really have a desire to use their gym... but would quite like the ability to get into the habit of playing badminton a few times a week with Kat etc... so we'll see... we're leaving at 11am though - so hopefully i won't sleep in!!!! *blushes* |
posted by TLT @ 11:22 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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