Monday, January 23, 2006 |
*gunk* |
Blah... woke up this morning and found that my chest is full of even more gunk... i honestly thought it was lifting yesterday as i was beginning to feel much better *ah well* i guess you just can't win sometimes...
Anyway so last night was good... can't remember much about the evening service as i was feeling particularly spaced out during it... But we're still doing Ephesians and Iain was talking about prayer... it was good... just can't remember all that much about it... then we all went to Catalyst which was groovy *grins* in fact an extra kid turned out, which was muchly unexpected, but was pleased to see her... so for the first time in ages we had 2 full cars of folk going to Catalyst!!! *bounce* yeh so i was in Andy's car coz he didn't know where we were going once we got off the motorway... but we missed the M77 junction *wasn't paying attention* so we had fun getting back to the right road... still got there in time too *wink*...
My predecessor Cara was also there as she now works in Cathcart Baptist Church which is one of the churches that runs Catalyst, so she was being all huggy with the kids... she didn't even acknowledge me though... but that's nothing new i guess.... She's lovely though. So yeh.. the guy at Catalyst was talking about not settling half way and obeying God fully in his guidance for our lifes plans... was very very good... and everyone that came with us seemed to enjoy it... *decides that it will remain in our youthwork programme for now*
Anyway - i'm up early although i'd rather go back to bed, as I have a LOT of reading to do for tomorrows class, and i am meeting a young leader from the church this afternoon for coffee and then she's invited me to hers for dinner inbetween coffee 'n Youth Band as she is my other leader at youth band... so what had been a relaxed day has turned into something which could become potentially quite hectic if i don't watch myself. Ach... well i need to be getting on.... |
posted by TLT @ 9:58 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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