Monday, February 06, 2006 |
the ups and downs of life... |
it's been a busy couple of days... Yesterday I spent a lot of time studying 'n doing some prep - then Kat 'n I went out for a drink before heading down to the cinema to see 'Chicken Little' - which is has to be said it a fabby film... has to be the funniest pixar film i've seen in a while *grins* and i think that Kirby the baby alien is just sooooooooooooooo cute *grins*
So yeh - that was that... today has been pretty busy... the youth band played in the morning service 'n a few folk came up afterward and commented that they enjoyed it 'n stuff so that was good... 'n then we had bible class - Wilma was leadin this morning, we had 20 kids this morning which was fabby... a new girl came along too... and then i came back 'n did some more reading and prep then back went back to set up for work 'n stuff...
had a 'run in' with a couple of parents today which left me quite narked... but i think i sorted it tonight... i talked further with one of the parents and explained certain issues to her... so i think that helped. Service was good tonight... especially the sermon... Iain is still doing ephesians... and he was talking about how if you're in Christ then you can be secure in that and all to do with working in harmony and coming together as Christians and being attracted to God as a people 'n stuff... like i said was very good.
Then we had Anathallo - was good. We were talking about what the Holy Spirit does tonight - Heather did well with the talk and the group time was pretty good too... I had a nice mix of a group (faith-wise) and we talked a lot and really got into stuff - so it was good... and God prodded me to put my foot down with some stuff afterwards with the leaders too... so it's good that those things are dealt, or in the process of being dealt with now...
so thats that. i'm now shattered... g'nite. |
posted by TLT @ 12:05 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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