Wednesday, August 02, 2006 |
its been a while... |
sorry folks... i know it's been a while... and i can't honestly say that i was doing a lot of busy-ness for most of it, so i don't really have an excuse... oh well... i hope you've been enjoying the hillsongs song below in my absence...
anyway - the weeist up date ever... since the 10th July i've... * been to CLAN and back - was awesome again, God is goooooooood *grins* * met up with Stephen Emery - was nice to see him again *grins* * helped dad with his wall etc in the garden - was theraputic * generally had a nice last week with the rents and the family and gone visiting folks... * Been given the car for a fortnight *grins* - don't worry mum, she's still alive and in the same condition as she was given *wink* * Driven down to Glagsow with a car full of stuff *shock* * moved into my new home for at least the next year *grins* (comment or email me for the address, or ask mum etc...) * Have 'started' my new job.... - well not really... officially i have, but i've not done much yet as i've been concentrating on the flat - but tomorrow will mostly be a work day to make up for it... meetings meetings meetings... *lol* * have managed to angle my way to a laptop with an internet connection (at George and Sheena's) since i don't have an internet connection at the flat yet... although having said that i've been lead to believe that the church will be seeing to getting one installed for me *grins* * ooooooooooooooooooooooh and i got a new bed today *grins* - well it's not my bed, it's the flats bed, but it's pine and verrrrrrrrrrrrrry comfy *grins* * found out that a couple of my friends got engaged *grins* - Congrats Amy and Peter *grins*
But yeh.. it's been a good last wee while... am feeling exceptionally tired though... Hoping that clears before going off to Troon on mission on Saturday, otherwise it could be an interesting week *heh*.
Anyway - i should probably stop hogging Sheena and George's internet connection... i'll update again, but probably not until after Troon... and at some point i'll update with pics of my new flat *grins* but that probably won't be for a wee while... so don't get disappointed *wink* |
posted by TLT @ 7:48 pm |
Can I get your address please :) Will give you mine once I've moved in!
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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Can I get your address please :)
Will give you mine once I've moved in!