Tuesday, June 06, 2006 |
sore... |
wow. it's been a looooooooooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg day... as was yesterday come to think of it... spent the morning (yesterday) doing prep for F.A.R.E. and some other bits and pieces that i needed to deal with and then went to FARE for a supervision meeting, the last one of my placement *grins* went well, only draw back being that I was full of the cold and quite miserable with it, and yeh, eye/head was still playing up, so wasn't much fun from that perspective... oh yes, and for those of you who care, i made me another Doc's appointment... it's tomorrow morning actually, and i figured out that new surgery is on a bus route which goes here, so it's good that i don't need to swap busses 'n stuff... so yeh that's a blessing... so 10am tomorrow, you'll know where i'll be.
oh yes... yesterday - well after my meeting in easterhouse, i pretty much came back here and crashed for a wee bit before i headed out to youth band.... it was ok, but i think folk were tired 'n stuff, and my co-leader was a bitty ill too, so i found it very hard to get a momentum going... part of me wished i'd just stayed in bed, but hey, c'est la vie. But the annoying thing was that when i got back from work at 9:30pm, although i was wrecked and really needed my bed (and would probably have fell asleep straight away if i had gone to bed), we had a meeting about our presentation today at 11pm, so it was crazy trying to keep myself awake!!!!!
This morning we did our presentations - so i'm quite pleased, one assignment down, 2 to go... i'm hoping to get my placement report done by monday - although i'm not quite sure if i'll manage coz i'm not really coping with reading a lot at the mo :( But anyway - presentation went ok, in fact we were short on time and improvised at the end (although i don't think anyone noticed) and apparently i have the gift of being able to draw something out without it being obvious that i'm covering time *hehe* so that was amusing - i think we should get extra points for flexibility! But yeh... I guess i kinda put all of my energy into that coz after that i was just dead... so tired that i didn't even have the heart to make myself lunch (lazy i know) and when i sat down on my bed i almost fell asleep, so i made msyelf go downstairs so that i wouldn't... then we had the afetrnoon class, which ironically enough i probably understood more of that previous classes, although even though that was our last class with darrell, i currently still feel absolutely clueless as to what i'm meant to do for the assignment... ach it's crazy. so yeh, then i had a quick dinner, and rushed off to meet Sally who was giving me a lift to Edinburgh (Wester Hailes) for a meeting for CLAN... was a good meeting... i think CLAN is gonna rock again this year... it's quite a young team though, which has its good and bad points i guess..... weird though - lots of folk that i know from the team last year but haven't spoken to them since - and they all know eachother already - so bit weird, was good though - am looking forward to it *grins* But yeh, so got a lift back from someone else and only got in about half an hour ago... so yeh. i'm wrecked... i hurt all over, and i just need my bed... so that's where i'm going. |
posted by TLT @ 11:04 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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