Wednesday, June 21, 2006 |
*blah* |
blah is exactly the word to describe how i'm currently feeling... I heard tonight that the 'majority of our class' has failed Darrell's Knowledge of God essay... am gutted. Rightfully so I don't know if I personally have failed... will be very gutted if I have coz i worked really hard at it even though i wasn't feeling all that great when i was doing it... Hopefully those of us who have failed will get a helping hand at re-doing it otherwise its going to be a hell-ish weekend *sad*
I'm just so gutted. It would be soooo annoying to get through a 3 year course never failing anything, and then trip up at the last hurdle even though i worked so hard at it. True i didn't feel overly confident in it, and i'm not going to place blame anywhere, although it does seem to present a problem if the majority of our class failed, coz surely that means it's not completely the 'fault' of the students?
but yeh... I don't think Bonnie submitted hers coz i think she's planning to do it next year instead... which means that out of 7, 5 or 6 have probably failed, which is just crazy. And lets just say that there are people in our class who are a looooooot better than me at writing essays - essays has never be a natural things for me and is certainly not my strongest part, although i usually work hard and do not too badly... So i'm slowly resigning myself to the fact that i'm probably one of the people that has failed *sad*
It annoys me though... coz when people 'fail' they're immediately labeled with not working hard enough... well, i did. I really did.
it's just a bit pants. *sad* |
posted by TLT @ 11:35 pm |
hey amee! its sydny! josh will meet you in bostin at 2 next saturday! See ya! my email: tag me!
? sorry i'm lost... who are you?
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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hey amee! its sydny! josh will meet you in bostin at 2 next saturday! See ya! my email: tag me!