Wednesday, October 31, 2007 |
an update for now... |
Righty- ho... sorry for the lack of updating... it's been rather a busy few weeks...
Highlights of the past couple of weeks: + an amazing and relaxing holiday with my family. I miss them lots when i'm down here in Glasgow, so it was nice just to hang out with them. + Glen Croe sponsored walk... that was much fun, even if I did have to carry abbie for half of it. poor pooch was just toooo tired. + The addition of Sandy to the youth band- I <3 drums!!!!! + Starting the process of getting me a pension (oh my i feel old... responsible too though *grins*) + getting Abbie back after she had had her wee operation - had missed her sooo much that day. + Meeting up with Steve... was so nice to hear all of his news *grins* + I ironed i HUGE pile of clothes for the first time in absolutely ages... was random. But at least my mum can be proud *lol* + All the fun and games of TTNP last week... sooooooo funny. I wonder if Pammie ever dried off?? *hehehe* + BB/GB service... it was strangely fun... even if we the band were missing mack. + Elevate - was it just me, or did elevate rock more than usual on Sunday night??? Like COOOOOOOL! + Glenshee is getting closer!!! *eeeeeeeep* + stuff for crafty stuff for our coffee morning at the end of November has just arrived *grins* + i ordered ER season 9 - still not come though... but i'll cope until it does *grins*
all happy happy... i could list the not so happy stuff, but that would just be boring.
Christmas anyone??? |
posted by TLT @ 2:14 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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