Well i've had a lovely relaxing morning sleeping and then watching SG-1... It's been nice to relax a bit after such a busy couple of days. Its nice to have this kind of flexibility with my job here in Bishopbriggs.
 For those of you who do not know... Stargate SG-1 is a fabby programme... It's sci-fi which isn't always a favourite of mine. I'm not all that much of a fan of star trek or anything like that. But I love the humour that often comes out of this programme, and what makes it even better is the lack of bad language *grins* It makes me sad that so many tv programmes these days are full of bad language or in appropriate humour. It saddens me further that a lot of Christians in the world don't seem to see the damage that such programmes with such vulgar content are causing in our society and even watch these things themselves, often with their children, helping them to learn that there is nothing wrong with such things. It results in these young people acting and speaking in a way that mirrors what they see in such programmes etc rather than following Christ's example.
I know that Jesus didn't have TV... but if he did would he have chosen to watch half of the rubbish that we do? Why are we so quick to wear a W.W.J.D? bracelet, yet not actually put it into practice? Sometimes I just wonder how much we actually want to be shining Christ's light into the world. We seem to just do it when we want to. Not when it counts. TO take a stand and not watch these things is often see as fanaticism or radicalism. But is it? Even if it is, would that mean we shouldn't do it?
My answer would be no. We shouldn't do it. We spend all our time filling our minds and heads with complete guff and rubbish. Stuff that I know God probably isn't too happy with. But somehow we've managed to convince ourselves that it's ok. It's fine. "Everyone does it" is one of the things that come to mind if there's even a slight hesitation. But does that make it ok? No. In Romans 12 Paul calls the Romans not to conform to the behaviour of the world but to allow God to transform them by the renewing of their mind. Sounds a bit new-agey, although it's not. It's about allowing God to work in us and through us so that we can recognise these damaging things and then avoid them.
Is it just me, or are we albeit subconsciously, giving in too easily? Are we, in a state of apathy just not trying anymore? Exactly what example are we setting?Labels: reflection, stargate sg-1 |