Loooooook - we had snow!!!! I fear it may be gone by the morning however as it was kinda raining tonight when i got back from GB... But we've had snow none-the-less and the yp have loved it!
As you can see, Abbie also loved it!!! We had some snow last week... which left rather quickly... but on Sunday night we had loads of snow which fell over a couple of hours while we were at Elevate - needless to say, after the event finished the yp and leaders had a wonderful time having a massive snowball fight.. =D And i know that a lot of my yp have been out in the snow every day after school playing and sledging since... So yeh... all in all they've been having a wonderful time... Not quite the same amount of snow which is parr for the course in Kemnay - but a decent amount all the same.. Am hoping that we'll have a decent amount of snow etc for our youth weekend in Glenshee next weekend too which is looking likely... Going up the big hills for sledging and snow ball fights are often a highlight for many of the young people as they just don't get snow as deep etc here in B'briggs.
 BUt yes.. it's been a busy while of late... I think Abbie is managing to keep up with me, just... LOL... We were 'child-sitting' for a couple of the parents at church on Friday evening after the BB, so that was good... although by 1am Abbie just wanted to sleep - bless her... she is very cute when she's sleeping tho LOL.
I was at GB this evening... was really good. One of the officers and I are doing the Spiritual Badge work at the moment and it's been really encouraging. The girls are really responding to what we're doing... I discovered at the beginning of the series that somehow 4 of the girls had managed to be in the Brigader's section (S1-S6) without bibles... this usually doesn't happen coz they all get bibles when they go from the Explorer section (P1-3) to the Junior section (P4-7)... but these girls hadn't been explorers and for some reason it had never come to light before that they didn't have bibles which surprised me somewhat... So i managed to get them some youth bibles and have been really pleased to see them remembering to take them for the sessions each week and using them... hopefully that'll continue!
It's certainly all fun and games in the land of Linda...Labels: Abbie, GB, Glenshee, snow |