My random ramblings...
Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37v4.   
Monday, January 25, 2010
Facebook is being annoying and I still have a cold. =(
OK today has actually been a rather wonderful and in some ways productive day. However its also had its not so wonderful parts... like for example. I realised after getting up this morning that my right knee was rather sore =( - i dunno what i've done to it... twisted it maybe? but yeh. its not very comfy, actually if i move it or put weight on it at the 'wrong' angle at all it can be pretty sore. It also clicks, which Pamela and I found rather amusing in the car on the way home tonight LOL >.<

So that is inconvenience number one....

number 2... I still have this pesky cold. I honestly thought it was getting better when i didn't cough up as much gunk this morning, especially when i wasn't coughing so much during the day... but no. I ended up coughing my lungs up for most of band tonight. Just as well Pamela was there too, otherwise there would have been no lead, coz i was struggling a lot to sing in order to lead at times.

Number 3... Facebook is being annoying. I'm trying to post stuff and its just not working. this has been a common occurrence of late... its rather annoying. and they expect us to pay for this? (rumour I know, but still) I wouldn't keep using it anyway i don't imagine (if they started charging to use it i mean)... Wouldn't be worth it if the yp weren't on it. I would just have to keep in touch with others by other means...

all of that aside... I have been thinking about Lent... and what i may give up for lent... Apparently Pamela is giving up unnecessary internet use (which today turned out to perhaps be a bad idea, but thats another long story)...
I dunno tho... I've certainly considered a few things. Perhaps chocolate again... I've done that before. I dunno tho. And i've kinda stopped with the fizzy drinks and started drinking loads more water again (she says sitting with the remainder of the bottle of diet coke next to her LOL) but yeh, so i've already done that... and I've already more or less conquered the nail biting thing (for how long I don't know, long may it continue)...

Perhaps instead of stopping something, perhaps i should pledge to do something thats gd for me... like eat more fruit 'n veg (as in not just buy it but actually eat it LOL) or listen to worship music in the car instead of the radio (as amusing as Galaxy FM can be...) or read more...

Ach I dunno... I guess I'll have to think about it a bit more... I know i bought a wee booklet on lent last year... i wonder what i did with it...........

alas Facebook as finally done what I wanted it to do 20 minutes ago... Now i will be able to rest at ease LOL...

I have a meeting in less than 10 hours, so i should probably head to bed. Here's hoping for less coughing. heh.

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posted by TLT @ 11:57 pm  
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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I'm a fan of Shaun the Sheep!

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