Sunday, March 06, 2005 |
(music - trouble, coldplay)
Well... this is me back *hoorah!!!* Did ya miss me????????
Anyway, got back from the MLTP weekend in Dumfries this afternoon. Was a great weekend, but as ever was hard work!!!!
Friday well yeah, was picked up about 4:30pm, but Kirsten was late and hadn't made it to my flat so we had to find our way to her flat in Partick (mosst amusing *lol*) But yeah we arrived in Dumfries by about, och i dunno 7:30pm ish.... and spent the evening doing prep and clearing stuff out of the way (need lots of muscles for that!!! *wink*) EVENTUALLY got to bed about 1:30am after some supper, although lights didn't get turned off until about 2am due to many conversations about pants (see Kirsten and Leigh about that!!!), and to be perfectly honest none of the girls (there were 5 of us in the one room) slept, except from Amy. I dozed from about 5-6am, but that was it *lol* none of us knew we were awake though coz we weren't speaking or anything, just quiet - LOL.
Saturday Yeah, so was up very early on having had like no sleep... headed to the hall in time for bible study at 9am followed by further bits of prep before the kids club started at 10:30am. We had about 22 kids which is ideal for a training weekend... not too much that it's stressful for the leaders, and not too little that you can't do anything with them. So yeah, was great. that was on until 12:30pm and we cleaned up, had lunch and spent until about 4pm prepping for the evening event which was an old-fashioned games night. Anyway, had an hour's free-time and we all went back to the flat and collapsed with a cup of tea *hehe* and then changed into our costumes for the evening so that we could head back to the hall for dinner at 5pm. Had some more prep time and then the event started at 7pm. Was fab... was great to see older and younger folk mixing so well. that finished at about 9pm and we spent until 10pm putting everything back as it had been on Friday when we arrived seeing as we wouldn't be using the hall again. Had devotions and then got back to the flat at about 11:30 had supper and chilled before bed again along with MORE convo's about pants... i'm telling ya, they're obsessed!!!!! *shock*
today well... was up again quite early, although managed to get a 'decent' amount of sleep this time *grin* so we headed off to church by 10am and practised our songs and then me and some of the other teamers went to the doors to welcome people in and give them hymn books. Service itself was great... only one complaint, the organist, who didn't know 'The Lord's my sheppard (new version)' played it tooooo slow... and i almost got the giggles (we were leading the congregation from the front). But it was a good service and once it had finished we all headed to the door to shake folks hands as they left. So yeah, all good *grin* eventually had lunch and headed back to the flat to clean in before heading back here...
but once i got back i was surprisingly non-tired so i went to the cinema and saw Hitch (which is actually quite funny) and Hotel Rwanda, which was just shocking... Just really makes you think of what the human race is capable of. :(
But anyway - God was amazing this weekend, he answered our every prayer. We spent the weekend using the story of the Jesus feeding the 5000 (john 6:1-15) and its amazing how you THINK You know a passage and the meaning behind it, but you really don't. God has spoken to me in so many different ways this weekend, through my bible study, through other teamers, through the young people and kids i worked with and he never ceases to amaze me with his works... One of the guys said something to me which i really liked... and he basically said that Mission is GOD'S work, that we are priviledged to be apart of... think about that. God calls us to be faithful. We need to stop putting our limits in the way of what he can do IN us and THROUGH us.
anyway - enough of me babbling... was a good weekend though. |
posted by TLT @ 9:36 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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