Wednesday, May 18, 2005 |
*bounce* |
sorry again... not been good at keeping this up to date recently have i?
anyway - since Saturday quite a few things have happened...
Church was ok... had bible class this week... was a laugh. Also got the final count for the fast which was...
£1397.40 *grin*
and the treasurer also said that he'd find me the funds to pay for the transport to go to Frenzy *grin* - prayer answered... and dad and Phil and Richard have all decided they're gonna come with us too... *grin* so yeah... it's all good.
spent the whole day being lazy, watching ER season 4 which arrived in the post, had a meeting at night... then was lazy some more...
Again was lazy all day, but did some bits and pieces in between... also went out to Prontos with dad at ngiht... and then we went to the bookshops to have a walk and then headed to the cinema to see the interpreter, although i'd seen it already... but is good second time round too!!!!!
yeah well today i've done bits and pieces... put an expesenses cheque into the bank... after spending £225 on frenzy tickets... which thankfully i'll get most of back *hehe* and then.. oh yeah... it's raining. thats about it... we're having a 'girlie' night tonight in Hazel's flat... i'm sure it'll be amusing... but i'll be in bed early so i can get up early tomorrow for School placement instead of going with the gang to see Star Wars 3 tonight.... i'm sure i'll see it at some point though *grin*
dum de dum... |
posted by TLT @ 4:56 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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