Tuesday, May 03, 2005 |
oops.... |
well i almost slept in for class this morning... woke up at 9:08am and had to be there for 9:15am, and i made it... feel minging tho coz i didn't get a shower yet, but i will. Will probably skip worship or something so i can get one. Blah tired. but yeah, Was weird last night... fell asleep just after midnight coz i was so whacked, but then woke up later (dunno what time) and I was like WIDE awake... don't think that lasted long tho.. was very weird. Maybe it was a dream. *hehe*
but yeh.. yesterday was ok... had a headache for most of the day which was pants, but i managed to get quite a bit of prep done for church, but not all. Then had youth band at night... We did a new song 'Light of the world' - was awesome to see some of the young people really praising God and reaching out to him.
But yeah... just got college all day today and then i'm going to have a night off tonight - dunno what i'll do yet... maybe reading for classes... |
posted by TLT @ 9:25 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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