Friday, April 29, 2005 |
oh yeah... forgot to say last night... Cherie told me yesterday when i saw her that I got a 72 on my last reflection... now the scoring system for reflection and practice is just wierd so i'll explain it...
32 - low novice (fail) 36 - high novice (fail) (from now on is a pass) 42 - low advanced beginner 47 - high advanced beginner 52 - low competant 57 - high competant 62 - low very competant 67 - high very competant 72 - low proficient 77 - high proficient
yeah... so like you can see a very weird scoring system... but yeah, they hardly ever give out proficient... but i got one *grin* but anyway - work up sorta averagely this morning... someone keeps foning me with a private number and it's annoying me coz they don't let it ring long enough for me to answer. They foned twice after 10 last night and again twice this morning *grrr* but yeah, got up and then went and cleaned our kitchen and gave it a good scrub... have kept forgetting i was on duty this week *doh*. Done now tho. And i've spent some time cleaning my room and doing washing - so i'm working away i guess. hmmm my radio has gone all funny *grr* anyway going for a coffee to starbucks soon with Haz which will be cool i'm sure.. it's a lovely day outside again tonight... nice change from the rain and wind we had yesterday! |
posted by TLT @ 12:51 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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