Saturday, May 14, 2005 |
sorrry.... |
ssoz for not updating more often... it's been a busy week. mmm... ok so the last time i updated was tuesday...
ok so wednesday, *thinks* *can't remember and actually has to check diary to remind herself what she did* ok..... so wednesday, i got up late after been up really late the night before and being tired... and then i had a meeting with my tutor... then I faffed about and did some prep before heading off to Elmbank Street (impact HQ) to collect mine and Heather's jumpers... so i now have a groovy grey jumper with impact on the front and tlt on the back *grin*... so yeah chatted to Phil W for a bit... that poor guy was so stressed... but yeah, then i walked back to the flat, had dinner and faffed about some more before heading off to the Kirk Session meeting in the evening coz they were talking about the possibility of an ecumenical youthworker... I had heard the presentations before, but it was ok i guess... I mean the idea is good in principle, but i'm not convinced it'll work... but yeah, whatever. *grin* then i headed home and got food on the way back... *yum* Thursday was just a mad day!!!! Got up early and was at Springburn for 8:40am. had a gd morning there... spent some time doing 1-2-1 work with a guy, and then with a girl.. and had a brief meeting with my supervisor... so was gd. yeah so I headed back to college after that... and prepped for fellowship at night coz i hadn't sorted the powerpoint for the songs... then i had to head out to B'briggs for dinner and a meeting with Sheena and George, then off to Inspired, which was gd *grin* the girls are making up a dance to 'Light of the World' and it's looking really good... even if they have only managed to come up with 2 lines of it so far... plus we did this kl sketch thing.. was about the creation story, but was soooo funny *hehe* maybe we'll dare to do that at church some time *wink*. But yeah, so George rushed me back from that so i was back at college for a meeting with Vicki Shaver at 9:30pm. We all had to be there... (from the flat) and it was about Child Protection policies etc in the college and in the flat... Seemed a bit obscure to me... but the gd thing is that it's only under 16's thats a problem... so Philip can some and stay again *grin* *bounces* Yeah, but anyway - me and Kat did fellowship... we did songs, and that mad gift list thing where you write gifts about each person so they end up with a list of stuff and then afterwards we made hot chocolate and muffins *grin* and we had the Unified Praise DVD on in th ebackground... Such a gd DVD!!!!!! BUt yeah... folk eventually left that about midnight, so we could tidy it all up... but once we'd done that the guys decided they wanted to go out for a walk so we did... to tesco. Got back... well late and slept. Friday... *hmmm* well got up late, and spent most of the day cleaning... so my room is now lovely and clean (and my toilet too) *grin* and I did a heap of prep for this guy at church too.... but that's a totally different story...
but yeah... so didn't do much else last night tbh. just bits and pieces of prep and then watched Farienheit 9/11 and slept.
today??? welll doing prep for a bible study for bible class tomorrow... i've been asked to do Titus 2... so that should be interesting... but yeah. thats about it... just about to have a baked potato for lunch *grin*
later... |
posted by TLT @ 11:38 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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