Monday, February 20, 2006 |
dum de dum |
well despite the fact that i've managed to achieve everything that i needed to today for college 'n work i'm sitting here with a distinct sense of blahness... i can't particularly say why... perhaps it's just because i'm tired, perhaps its just because i realised this morning that i have all 4 of my assignments due in for college over the next 3 weeks and i have started none of them... or perhaps its just the fact that i need chocolate - i don't know.
Anyway - had band tonight... although it was very obvious that one of the yp was in a very bad mood and therefore refused to play anything (i've learned just to leave be when that happens) and every one just felt really tired 'n stuff... so we had an easy night... Besides that i've been working steadily again today... Part of me is really looking forward to my time off this weekend (although admittedly, realising that i have 4 assignments due in the next 3 weeks has left me panicking cause i'll be losing out on 2 whole days of working.) I'm in a group thats meant to be doing a presentation next tuesday on this book that we've been interesting, which (the chapters i was assigned to read anyway) was really good and thought provoking.... dunno how we're gonna do the presentation though *hmm*
Anyway - so the most annoying thing to happened today had to be the lack of internet on the residential floor... When i got back from work to find that it still wasnt' working (having not been working all day) i decided to come down to the first floor and see if it worked here just on the off chance... it is (obviously) - but i'm currently having to sit on the floor in the corridor... its' really weird... not quite sure what's going - but that's just college for ya.
Anyway - i shall leave you all in peace and take my pessimistic attitude away with me... gonna go have break i think - nothing left to do for classes and in all honesty with the work i'm going to have to embark upon as of tomorrow i'd probably be better having the 'chilled' time now while i can have it. |
posted by TLT @ 9:44 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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