Wednesday, August 23, 2006 |
the flat =) |
well here be some pics of me flat *grins*

this is my living room *grins* Geo and the guys were up to the flat to take all (well most) of his extra stuff out today and they swapped the suites :) i did have a pretty lilac one... however I do think that this one fits the decor better... =)

this be my pretty fire place - do you likey???? *grins* it's a nice modern gas fire... will be muchly cosy in the winter months i think =)

my loo.... =)

my kitchen.... small and cosy... *heh* can u spot my washing machine???? *grins*

my 'dining room' and study (with my new wireless router all set up and ready for when my broadband is activated)... =)

my lobby *grins* - without all of the extra furniture that's been in it for the past few weeks since i moved in *grins*

my bedroom... Which i might add isn't muchly 'personalised' yet.... but it'll get there... check out my new bed *grins* still not got a double duvet 'n stuff, but i'll get there eventually *grins*
 special note for mum on this one... you seeing Jemima???? *grins*
anyway yes..... another day of work i guess. Spent most of the morning into the afternoon trying to sort out my broadband connection - which i surprisingly need quite a bit for work *heh* but yeh... spent ages looking at new packages coz when i eventually managed to get to the point of being able to order the talktalk deal it turned out that the estimated time for the call plan going live was like 3 weeks and the estimated time before the broadband would go live was over 2 months. was not impressed and so spent the rest of the time looking at other packages... eventually managed to get something set up with Virgin, although wasn't impressed when it wanted a credit card for the first month *doesn't own a credit card* but yeh... got it sorted eventually...... my dad is the best *grins*
oooooh and i have a new landline now too... *grins* so if you want my number then get in touch =)
hehehe... anyways... still have a couple of boxes that need to be emptied... i'll get there eventually... some of the stuff needs to go into the cupboard that Geo hasn't emptied yet... although Sheena thought he may do tomorrow but i dunno... Was funny though, i was at a bible class meeting tonight so i wasn't actually there, but apparently the licac couch wouldn't fit into the current house, *hehe* so they had to move it to the new house *hehe* but when they got it there, they couldn't get it in the door there either - or the back door, so they had to put it in the dining room window (which i might add is on the equivalent of the '1st floor' when you're in the back garden - they have a celler you see) and i have nooooooo idea how they would have managed it.... it was a huge couch - apparently there were ladders involved... total respect to them all, although i think Sheena thought they may have had to have given in and got a new suite at one point.... but yeh - i was just disappointed that they didn't take the video camera!!!! *is gutted*
but yeh... more prep to get on with tomorrow and then a big prayer walk around the parish at night - am hoping a few of the yp come to that.... plus Jen is coming to visit on Friday-Saturday which is quite exciting *grins* will be good to see her 'n chill out 'n catch up... plus a guest in my wee flat *grins*
Anyway..... there's a nice long update for you =) hope you enjoyed *grins* |
posted by TLT @ 11:39 pm |
hi Linda
your flat looks great we should get in touch soon to meet up humm thinking publishing what my flat looks like at the moment might couse controversy but it is all good.
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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hi Linda
your flat looks great we should get in touch soon to meet up humm thinking publishing what my flat looks like at the moment might couse controversy but it is all good.