Wednesday, October 11, 2006 |
the life of a cheetah... |
wow the last few days have been crazy... crazy as in the time has flown past and crazy as in it's been really really busy!!!
Since Friday.... well... i spent the morning attempting to do some personal 'errands' although didn't get all that far coz the time just went like *that*. Then I went over to Geo's to try 'n convert all of the pic files from .bmp files to .jpeg fils so that they weren't so huge, only to find that 2 thirds of the pics we had spent almost 2 hours scanning into the laptop a few days before had disappeared into thin air.... no matter what i did i couldn't find them *hates pc's* so yeh... as i was doing that my headache grew with avengence, to the point that i ended up eventually on Sheena's couch with my head down and hood up trying to salvage myself a bit having taken a pill... got there eventually 'n we watched some saturday night tv - so that was ok i guess... am not convinced by the seletion on X factor though *shrugs*
Anyway - Sunday was ok... we did a blind obstacle course with the kids *hehe* that was fun... and after a whole load of running about manically doing things and seeing people i headed home to the flat to attempt to lie down for a bit so that i could steady myself for leading Anathallo in the evening... I had a great group... was a good laugh *hehe* - "i'm daisy! not david!!" *hehe* it was just good fun... but at the same time for some of hte young people some of the stuff we were talking about (even if it was stuff they already knew - we're doing a refreshers at the moment) really helped them and touched them 'n stuff, and it was just really good... so yeh. Then i had to head home and wait for dad 'n Phil to come .... they didn't come till almost 1am - so was shattered!!!!!
Me 'n Phil went to his art exhibition thing on the Monday morning... they're displaying some of the portfolio's from all of the art exams from last year, 'n phils was chosen to be among them... so that was cool 'n we had a nice wee bit of random time *hehe* Then we headed back to the flat for lunch before heading out to Sheena 'n Geo's to take Molly the dog for a walk... man she's soooo lazy!! *hehe* was nice though. 'n we talked to them for a bit before heading home to the flat to make dinner for dad getting back *grins* Oooooooooooo and then we had youth band which was soo good... phil took his drums down from Kemnay and it was nice just to have a drummer there for a change - especially one that has experience in playing along with worship songs... =) so yeah... another averagely late nite followed by another early morning of getting up to get the train north... met Fi and mum in town 'n then we headed to the shops... got a couple of tops which are surprisingly girlie but still surprisingly suit me!!! *heh* then it was the mad dash home to get ready for my Aunt and Uncle's Silver Weddning... was a lovely meal and was good to catch up with my cousins 'n stuff... =) nice to be amoung family again like that... looking forward to Christmas now!!!!! *grins*
This morning however has been a nice lazy day so far... and i'm loving it! Head back to Glasgow tonight with dad though... 'n then back to my normal work routine tomorrow..... |
posted by TLT @ 12:00 pm |
hey you havn't spoken in ages looks like your mega bussy which explains why :) thinking of you praying for you em
linda looks like you have gone over to the dark side with all this saturday evening tv!! lol,
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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hey you havn't spoken in ages looks like your mega bussy which explains why :) thinking of you praying for you