Friday, September 15, 2006 |
Prison Break |
ok.... so i think we can safely say that i'm addicted to Prison Break now.... I'm so glad that i didn't give into temptation and watch it properly while i was on TV... I wouldn't have got anything done! *heh* Phil has leant me the first boxset... and hopefully once he's had them for a bit i'll get the 2nd lot too *grins* It's an extremely clever programme *grins*
Also - i got confirmation that my ER season 7 boxset is on it's way *grins* so muchly excited about that... hehe... who needs a TV when you can watch all these great shows on DVD?!?!? Yeh... so I still haven't actually decided if i want to get a TV license... not sure i'd watch tv that much... although i suppose once you have it you do *shrugs* - if i got one i'd probably get myslef a freeview box though... would want BBC news 24 you see *is sad*
ah the mundane things in life...
Other than that was at the BB tonight... was meant to be going along coz the captain is away for the next couple of weeks on holiday... seems they weren't actually expecting me though and so i ended up not actually doing anything *doh* well i did... but just not what i thought i was gonna be doing... they joys of pants communication *heh* - i reckon communication is probably worse within the church - can annoying me muchly at times coz I'm more of the organised type... *heh*
anyway... i'm talking to mum about boiled eggs... toodles... |
posted by TLT @ 11:15 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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