Wednesday, October 04, 2006 |
oh so tired... |
man i'm knackered this morning - like every other morning i guess *heh* - i thought sleep was meant to be refreshing?!?!?!?!
Anyyyyyyyyyyyyyyywwwwwwayyyyy... It's been an ok few days... Still no managed to fill my craft tower yet (which dad made a point of pointing out to me when he got here last night) and I got dad a pepper mill with 'proper' pepper in it... lets not say that i don't spoil him when he's down to stay please! xP We had a really nice dinner last night actually... would be nice to say that i made it completely from scratch myself though - it'll come one day i'm sure...
Anyway - highlights have got to include.... + Steve being drawn on the face by Phil with permanent marker pen as part of a 'Mercy' icebreaker at Bible Class on Sunday - Well Phil certainly didn't show any! *eeeeek* + Sheena having a relatively 'better' couple of days after an awful week. + dad asking ME for a spanner last night *falls about laughing* + dad not actually noticing the pepper mill was a new one (especially for him i may add - i don't use it *heh*) + finally figuring out a way to solve a problem i was having with Geo's pc yesterday - it's at times like this that i'm reminded exactly WHY i opted for a mac, and not a stupid stupid PC!!!!! + GB last night - they were doing presentations on Aberdeen and i ended up being adopted into a squad to talk about the northern lights and in the end we won *grins* + the thought that the wee newbies in the junior Bible Class (who are all boys that have an inability to be quiet and tend to be hyper active) may actually have been listening to what i was saying to them during hte lesson at Bible Class on Sunday morning - they were quiet through choice *shock*
anyway... todays an uber busy day although its really meant to be my day off... but the minister is just back from the states and this is his only free morning before the weekend - so i'm going for a meeting (it all piles up over a wee or so you know!!) and lunch *grins* before heading off into the city to meet Kirsten 'n then me 'n dad are having dinner 'n going to see 'World Trade Centre'... so yeh... never stops!!! |
posted by TLT @ 9:56 am |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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