So... for the past 4 years we've been taking our youth from Kenmure on a youth weekend every year in February... we go to an adventure centre somewhere in scotland. The last 3 years we've been at the Compass Christian Centre in Glenshee, this year for a change we've opted to got to the Abernethy Trust Centre in Barcaple. It's not been without it's challenges so far, but i'm really looking forward to getting there and getting into it all =)
Our theme for the weekend is 'This is our God'. The idea behind this is that we have such a huge diversity amongst the young people (both age - P7-S6 and spiritual maturity - no Christian understanding to passionate for living for God) and so we've gone for this theme as it will hopefully allow us to really enable all groups to engage with God... either for the first time, or deepen a relationship they already have with God =)... The plan is to have 5 teaching sessions, each looking at who God is. Friday night - God is Love Saturday morning - God is a Stronghold Saturday evening - God is a Redeemer Sunday morning - God is Truth Sunday afternoon - God is unending The intention is to start each session with a big sheet of paper with the characteristic on it i.e. 'Love' and get the yp all to tell us what they think this means and write that onto it... Then we'll unpack what it means for God. So really looking forward to that =)
Aside from the sessions we have activities too =) so we'll be doing various team challenges, abseiling, zip wire... it's going to be lots of fun... yes we'll all be knackered by the time we get home, but it only happens once a year =)
stay tuned for thoughts after the weekend =)Labels: Barcaple, God, kenmure youth, Youth Band, youthwork |