Well i haven't really talked about this properly on here yet...
But in July... the first 2 full weeks, I'm traveling to Uganda with a group of senior Girls Brigade and Boys Brigade young people... I've been pondering the possibility of this since about September/October when the BB captain at my church asked me if I would consider going along as he had wanted to see if any of the girls from the GB were wanting to go along this time.
Jimmy (BB Captain) took a group of 4 senior BB boys 2 years ago

but, he had wanted to give the opportunity for some girls to get to go too, which is always exciting... I had kinda hoped that I would get the opportunity to go to Uganda some time, because Gabriel is doing amazing things out there...
I first met Gabriel when I was in my first year at ICC back in 2003/2004. He was just starting off with the project back then... and if memory serves he was back in the UK trying to raise funds to buy the plot of land where the project was going to be based.
I feel i should probably explain what the project is... Basically Luwero Community Ministries consists of a 5-fold vision. Firstly a church, then a farm, a Primary school (which currently has around 300 pupils, there are hopes for a secondary school also), a health clinic (which will hopefully be up and going by the time we're they're in July) and an Orphanage. See here for more info... http://luwerocommunityministries.com/
But the mission has all started now for me... today i sit here with two rather sore arms thanks to the first lot of injections yesterday. heh. More next week....
but i guess I should get on... I'm sure i'll tell you all more about this as time goes on =)Labels: Gabriel, Jags, LUWERO, uganda, work |