Friday, February 24, 2006 |
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" - (Matt 19:26) |
Wow... what an inspiring piece of scripture... and humbling... i think sometimes we think it's all about us. It's never about us.
Anyway.... got my guitar back today *grins* although they didn't actually phone me to tell me it was ready like they said they would... dad phoned and found out that it was indeed ready though *grin* So after lunch me 'n Kat headed off to the centre... got some shopping (i got chicken korma and rice for tonight *grin* was feeling like korma... niceeeeeeeee.) kat was getting her workout for the day as she had loads of heavy stuff on her back 'n stuff *heehee* - but yeh got to the shop 'n got me guitar back *grin* and a dark purple cable, and a wee stand for when i have my guitar out of it's case in my room... Didn't think i'd get to try it out before work on monday night but decided to go 'n see if the PA system was on downstairs and it was so me 'n Kat 'n Hugh too had a wee jam session... me on guiter, Kat on drums (she's just learning but is really good already!!!) and Hugh on the piano... he's one of these folks that can jam along by ear... was great.
So i have literally just got back from that in the last 30 mins... worked on my essay this afternoon though and have made a half decent attempt at about half of the first essay... so thats not so bad - would ahve another bash just now, but i'm totally in holiday mode. i reckon if i have a good serious time of study on Monday before work 'n on Tuesday when i'm not in class, then i'll be able to finish it by Tuesday 'n then start the self-harm one and finished it by Friday/Saturday. So hopefully i'll be able to comfortably get through them all...
Anyway - no more studying for the next 48 hours!!!! Off to the rugby tomorrow!!!!! *bounce!*
have a good one x |
posted by TLT @ 9:16 pm |
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