Thursday, February 23, 2006 |
Joyful Joyful... |
am sooooooooooooo tired... Sorry for the lack of update last night but after spending an afternoon in the library i pretty much dozed all evening and was in bed pretty early... we have the internet back on upstairs now which is more convenient *grins*
not really got much to report. Classes were ok today. Nothing groundbreaking though - this mornings session was on project-managing which was interesting enough and then the afternoon class we had the police in talking about safety when it comes to detached work 'n stuff.. so that was ok. Then had a meeting with my tutor. Was actually ok... he was debriefing me from him coming to visit on Sunday... was ok :) Then rushed off to Sheena 'n George's... was lovely to see them both again.... particularly Sheena... she's been better the last couple of days... so here's hoping (and praying) that she's on the mend, so to speak... was nice just to sit 'n chat about stuff 'n that...
Then had group which was ok... relatively relaxed night.. still think there's a problem with a couple of the girls though - so if it doesn't rectify itself over the next few weeks then i think some stern words may have to be said. *hmmm*
Anyway - hopefully i'll get a call tomorrow telling me to go 'n get my guitar... other than that i've pretty much got to study study study... my books on adolescence and selfharm came today - so that means once i have this urban essay out of the way then i'll be able to concentrate on my pastoral essay.... And i think that i've managed to get the port folio for the outreach class sorted in my head too... so we're getting there... just an insane amount of reading and a lot of writing to be getting on with now! |
posted by TLT @ 11:44 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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