Look at this... isn't my brother soooo cool at making me posters 'n stuff?! *hehehe* Well this is the latest challenge *eeek* I'm fasting for 24 hours, will be in fancy dress for at least half, will be trying to keep 20-30 teenagers happy in a relatively confined space for a long period of time, will more than likely get very little sleep, and will have to stay happy and hyper for the duration *heheh* oh my... I really must be crazy...
... but no. I'm not crazy. there's a very good reason for this... A community in Uganda, where a lot of the children have lost both of their parents to AIDs, and they them selves have HIV and need medication to stay well... We're going to be supporting the LUWERO community project. It's a 5-fold project, of a friend of mine who was at college over my first year there... He's from Uganda and had a vision of how he could work for God in his own community. There's a church, a school (well it's partly there, still more to be built as funds come in) a farm, and hopes for a clinic and a orphanage. My hope is that the young people at Kenmure will reallllly be able to make a difference... in the words of Gabriel...
"nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something"
And this is our chance to work together to do something... And i hope and pray that it all goes well, and that we do do something.
You might not be able to be there to take part... but you can do something too by sponsoring me... please do. It's for a really good cause.Labels: LUWERO, Phil, sponsor |