I'm tired *heh* feeling a lot better than i was last night though.... I left church rather frazzled. It was a good night though! mUhcly enjoyed it!!! It was our second night of TTNP and they all came back! *grins* so yeh... scope to build that up after the summer i think...
Today I'm relaxing a bit though... Will have to do some prep and decide what material i want to use for Summer Sunday School this year... But tonight is that BB display... The picture is our BB marching on Sunday... they always do that the week before their display... the BB display is always amusing.. but it also makes me want to hide coz they do the bars *eeek* but yeh. But i'm sure it'll be good... It's a couple of weeks to go before we have the GB display... i'm involved in that this year for the first time... quite scary... am doing action songs with the wee explorers and also we all have to learn this dance thing from High School Musical... I would roll my eyes at that *isn't particularly a fan* but it's actually quite fun to dance to... *heh*. Anyway... i suppose i should get on...Labels: BB, Displays, GB, HSM, marching |