LOL... well yesterday dad and I had a meal out... we don't get to do that as often these days... and dad was going to take me to Est Est Est, which apparently wasn't Est Est Est anymore... so we didn't go in the end... so after a quick look in Wesley Owen, I took dad to Wagamama's -yummmmmmmmmmm... Wagamama's is a Japanese restaraunte... like yum. Dad had never had that before... don't he was so convinced when I suggested it... i think he thought it was going to be sushi etc... *lol* like i'd eat that!!!!!! Was good though... I like Chinese, but Japanese is so much less guckky. And yes... that is a word xP However... I was up early this morning again, and off to the school to do another assembly... Then had a meeting with Iain, and went in past Sheena's on my way back to get Molly coz they were going out for the afternoon... So i currently have a very sleepy Molly lying next to me *lol*... But yeh. WIG tonight i think...
Ooooooooooh - when we were at Wesley Owen I came across the latest Hillsongs United Album.... It's called 'All of the above' - i've not had a chance to listen to it properly yet... but i'm muchly excited coz their last 2 albums have been great!!!!!!! I think we can safely say that i'll be making an attempt to listen to it loads over the next while... I'd also like to get an 'itrip' now that i can use Hamish... *hint hint for my birthday!!!!* Anyway, am off to watch neighbours and then settle down to some prep...Labels: Hillsongs United, Japanese Cuisine, Wagamama's, Wesley Owen |
itrips are great! I have one for my car, cos its not able to read tape adaptors - they are so cool! A much needed accessory for any car and ipod owner!! :)