I have my bank card at last... and it came relatively early in the day which means that i'm not stuff in the flat with a rather energetic pup for the rest of the day *grins*
My latest ER boxset came yesterday *grins* - i haven't seen this series at all, so am enjoying that...
I got to WIG last night... Was good. 1 Timothy 4 - all about false teachers 'n stuff... i have to say though we spent more time discussing other issues surrounding the passage than actually getting all of the questions done, but there was a lot of food for thought and a good session. I kinda wish i had a bible study group like that more often... will have to work on that i think. Anyone know of any wednesday night Bible Studies in the b'briggs area? wishful thinking i reckon.
Am currently trying to learn some finger picking for songs on guitar.... current choices being seven nation army by the white stripes (such a gooooood riff!!!!) and tears in heaven... which is actually quite hard.. but i'm learning. Decided that i needed to learn how to use guitar tabs so that i can get into the groove of writing bass tabs a bit easier for one of the young people who has just started playing the bass and wants to take it along to youth band. See we've been praying for drums and bass at youth band since it started almost 4 years ago... i guess its true when they say patience pays off *grins*
Anyway - its the BB coffee morning/ toy sale tomorrow - so I've offered to do some baking... already done peppermint sqaures *yum* but gonna try some banana cake and carrot cake today i think... all exciting!!! Will have to keep some for myself *grins* its for a good cause anyway - a couple of the BB boys are going over to LUWERO in Uganda to help out there. It'll be a great experience for them for sure.
Anyway - much to be getting on with as I'll have to take Abbie to the vet to get her stitches out soon =)Labels: coffee morning, ER, guitar, LUWERO |