Ok... so since i've been meaning to blog about stuff and haven't been I feel that since I have a wee bit of spare time i shall back-blog now... lol.
 As you all know, it's been a very busy few months, not that that's anything new I guess, but for some reason it has felt busier than the usual... but before I went home for Easter break, I was helping some friends for church move stuff from storage back into their house. They've had a massive extension put on their house over the past 6 months, and so most of their belonging were in storage for the duration of the work. But when we were moving stuff I came across a Yellow Teapot!!!!!!!
Now i'm not embarrassed to admit that as a child I loved to play with little figures and make them talk and sing 'n stuff... But the discovery of this big yellow teapot just put me right back to being little and playing with my yellow teapot... I don't know where that tea pot is now - my dad thinks its in the loft. I'm thinking it's probably not survived the many emptyings of that loft space for the Christian Aid sales at Kemnay Church, but perhaps it has. Finding it made me smile loads though - I could hardly contain my excitement! Even held it on my lap the whole way back to bishopbriggs from the storage place (and made sure that all of the people inside it (and the dog) were comfortable! *cough*) BUt yes. Was most definitely the highlight of my day XD
 Next thing which I feel is important to highlight is... one night the youth band managed to get through 17 songs! yes i said SEVENTEEN!!!!! Considering we're meant to start at 7:30pm and the yp usually faff about so we don't start until nearer 8pm it's not bad to have done that many songs in just an hour! (we finish at 9pm). Therefore I feel that this needed to be recognised as an achievement, hence the picture LOL!
That aside... there has been an addition to the Buchan presence in Glasgow... Meet Archie. *grins* Have been thinking about getting a car for a while, but just been waiting for the opportunity of the right car at the right price. He's wonderful though. It's been great having more freedom, and dare I say it having the option to use the car if it's raining to avoid a soaking. But he's perfect. I'm not sure that tall people like to ride in him much, but he's just perfect for little me *grins* and Abbie enjoys a ride in him from time to time too! So yus - happy times!!
Although slightly concerning (hehehe) Would be that TWICE this week i have been 'stalked' in the car by girls from the church LOL. Was funny last night - they followed us to ASDA and then stalked us around asda also. 'Twas amusing. But yes...
back to more recent events - i've already been out today putting Christian Aid Envelopes through doors in the Parish.... Was roasting hot though! Funny how the weather just can't decide what it's wanting to do atm. But yeh, I'll have to go round the doors to try and get them back at some point this week. I'm thinking an evening. Possibly Wednesday evening or even Friday evening. Not decided yet.
But tonight is band as usual... although i'm thinking it may be quieter that usual seeing as most of the exams have started now for the teenagers. But tomorrow is the GB display rehearsal. The girls are doing fab with the song they're doing - it's gonna be good fun i think!Labels: Archie, big yellow teapot, christian aid, Youth Band |