Sunday, April 05, 2009 |
Reunions, events and all the usual stuff... |
Yes so... it's been a while... so this will potentially be a rather large post... so beware.
The last couple of weeks as you may have guessed have been excessively busy, like almost to stupid to be sane busy... but it's over and I have survived, and I have God to thank for that along with my wonderful team at Kenmure who whenever I've asked them to do something they've done it fabulously well without much complaint XD
So lets go back to the beginning... the 27th-29th of March was our Mission reunion weekend down in troon... you may not have picked this up before now but for the last couple of year Kenmure have had a big presence on the mission team which leads childrens and youth work down in Troon at the end of the summer.Last year was my first year of properly co-leading and was a fab year! We'd been trying to get a date in the diary that suits to the Troon lot and Kenmure for aaaaaages (since like last September!) but this was the weekend we got! Was a fab weekend again of fun and silliness as well as prayer and bible study and seeking God's plan for the future. At one point Mack and I decided that it would be fun to have some gingerbread men to decorate for supper one night after the youthwork! Was great fun lol - the guys on the team seemed to enjoy it too! LOL. I even made one for Ron the minister at the church... i can assure you that his gingerbread man looked very much like him once i was finished decorating it! LOL! So yes... a great weekend... but also one which saw a lot of staying up late and then ending up rather shattered... When we got home on the Sunday afternoon we then also walked into having to do an Elevate event - that's a whole other kettle of fish though.
So yes... that was last weekend... However, this weekend has been interesting too! As part of the ministry in Kenmure we're always keen to look at ways which we can help young people to help those less fortunate than themselves... help them be more aware of world issues which we can all-so-readily become deaf or apathetic to, sometimes even sheltered from... One of our ways of doing this is to do a 24 hour event which is sponsored for a Charity and get someone to come along and tell us more about the work that that charity is doing. So this year we again supported LUWERO and had a guy from our BB who visited the project last summer come along a share a bit about it all... It was great having him come and share - hopefully it also gave the young people more of an understanding and passion to raise money for it. This year however the event was 'lose one of your senses for 24 hours'... Some tried to be deaf, but it didn't work so well that way so we ended up with some losing speech, some lost their sense of space (in other words they were tied to someone else for the duration of the event) and other fasted (didn't have food). So it was a lonnnnnnng 24 hours. But definitely worth it. I'm hoping that we'll have a healthy sized cheque to send away by the end of the month. We had lots of activities, crafts, big hall games, computer games, a prayer room with interactive prayer stations, services throughout, and an acoustic worship session... then at the end of the 24 hours we broke the fast etc together with a 'meal' of soup, bread and cheese with some sweeter stuff too to give those who were fasting a boost... But it was knackering... After we eventually finished cleaning the church for the service this morning (no one had a CLUE that we'd had the event this weekend coz the church was so clean and tidy *grins*) i eventually got home at about 7pm (I had gone to the church to set up on Friday at 2pm so altogether that means i was at the church for 29 hours straight!) needless to say after a brief time checking emails etc I flaked out on the bed and didn't wake up until 3am at which point i realised that I had fallen asleep without getting changed first!!! That was soon sorted though and i got back into bed and slept right through till 10am this morning. It turns out that my mum had phone the flat AND texted me last night.. needless to say i heard neither. Thankfully Abbie was rather forgiving and let me sleep. Needless to say... IF you feel that you would like to support us, like i already mentioned it was a sponsored event... so please do sponsor me, or support LUWERO directly. It's definitely worth it! For just £15 a month you can sponsor and orphan so that they can go to school and get an education that they wouldn't otherwise receive. See thats one of the things we focused on this year... the fact that despite the current climate with everyone tightening their purse strings we are NOT in poverty. There are people a LOT worse of that us in the world, and it's about time we woke up and realised that and did something about that! Its not beyond us, so why do we act as though it is while we have our big cars and big houses and our constant need to by things that we don't actually need, but just because we want more, and more and more. Ok so i'll stop ranting - but you'll hopefully get the jist. =)
That aside I discovered a LOVELY park on Monday that I'd never been before and its just a 10 minute walk from the flat!!! It's sooo beautiful and Abbie loves it coz she gets to run about off the lead.. We went there on monday to explore a bit.. it's Springburn park which i knew was there but I'd never realised how big or how beautiful it was! Abbie loved it though - was just her cup of tea being able to run about off of the lead and see (and attempt to run after) the birds and squirrels... She did look at a Swan at one point but very quickly backed off when it started hissing at her LOL - what a clever dog she is!
But yeh... this afternoon since i didn't get to walk her yesterday (she was with Sheena and George while I was at the 24 hour event) I decided that a long walk in Springburn Park was in order... so off we went... When we got there i discovered that there were colour-coded trails... so today, we did the black trail which was 2 miles long!!! Was wonderful as it took us around most of the park...abbie even made a friend or two along the way lol... but while we were there we came across something rather cool!!! Ok so Abbie didn't think much about it, but I thought it was marvelous! You may remember me rambling on about Stargate SG-1 and perhaps Stargate Atlantis a few post back... well today we found a stargate in Springburn park... ok so it's not a REAL stargate (LOL) but it made me smile none-the-less!!! But just imagine even if it was... would be quite amusing that it would be found in Springburn park of all places LOL.
So anyway... This coming week it hopefully going to be a much quieter one that the previous few months... I plan to read... catch up on work stuff that has been neglected due to my rather busy work schedule, catch up with some friends before I go north for my holiday and the thing that i really hope to achieve, is that i'm hoping that i'll make it to ALL (or as much as is physically possible) of the Bishopbriggs Churches together holy week services. They've always had joint services, and i've even been involved in some of them at Kenmure, but i've never been able to attend them all, but because of the way things are working out this year I may just manage it since we don't have club running during the holidays! I've heard good things about some of them, so i'm hoping for good things!
but anyway... I shall love you and leave you all. My hope for you is that at this Easter season you will come to know and understand the sacrifice of Gods Son Jesus Christ in order to save you, and that you will have Joy in the fact that he rose again!!!
toodles.Labels: 24 hour event, Abbie, LUWERO, reunion, Springburn park, Troon, walk |
posted by TLT @ 4:17 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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