Monday, February 27, 2006 |
18-12!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Hehehehehe.... such an awesome weekend with family at the Rugby!!!!!! Scotland managed to win against England against all the odds for the first time in 6 seasons!!! How awesome is that?!?!?!?! Great atmoshpere at the match, surprised Phil still has a voice.... Was cold, but sooooooo worth it!!!!!
got back mid-afternoon and back to earth with a bump. Problems with this girl are still going on and its in a word driving me crazy. She really nice to my face 'n stuff and then goes and has a right go behind my back, and it's causing great problems amongst the young people which i think is really sad. It's really annoying. Bah. I'm praying loads about it.
anyway - back to studying... also got to get right in my head what i'm going to say for my part of this stupid presentation tomorrow. Hoping to have finished one of my assignments by the end of tomorrow night... dunno how achieveable that is, but i need to at least try... Concentration just isn't happening as fluidly as it usually would these days... not with regards to essay writing anyway.
yeh. i should go work...
oh and one last thing...
18-12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *grins* |
posted by TLT @ 10:37 am |
don't get to smug dear first time in 6 seasions is baaaaad the next match we will trounce you you wait :P
good to hear it was a good weekend
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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don't get to smug dear first time in 6 seasions is baaaaad the next match we will trounce you you wait :P
good to hear it was a good weekend