Tuesday, February 28, 2006 |
Rainbow |

Found this article and found it most nostalgic... although i though that Rainbow was on later than 1992... am I talking rubbish???
Anyway - they're saying that they're bringing re-runs of Rainbow on as some sort of nostalgic tv thing... I bet you'll have only adults watching it though *hehe* Anyway... you can read the article here... Rainbow Article
That aside... the last 24 hours have not been my best. Finally cracked with some college stuff last night. *blah* still feeling quite down about it... but i'll perk up again. eventually. That aside i'm just doing the usual... and working hard to at trying to get some more of these essays done... determined to finish my first one as much as possible tonight! So it'll probably be a late night, but that's just how it goes...
They re-did our hall floor at church at the weekend and then duffed it up... and so he was in finishing it last night which meant that all the groups were moved about... i wasn't too pleased, but you know how it is with these things, you just work together to make sure that everyone gets the very least of what they need... but the fumes where manic. I can't believe that they had the bible class in there on Sunday - i think I may actually mention that to Iain tomorrow... *hmm* But yeh... aparently it takes 72 hours for the floor to dry 'n the guy apparently told Harvey that 48 should do it but Harvey was a bit confused coz he thought that from 6pm last night till 6pm tonight was 48 hours *ooops* so as I had expected (and prewarned one of the leaders just in case on her way out of the Guild last night) the GB was cancelled tonight, not just because the floor isn't dry but probably because of the rather ridiculus fumes... i'm sure there's a guideline somewhere about not having young people and children subjected to that sort of thing... although i would actually argue that its just good common sense... but there you go, some folk don't think that way.
Anyway - my essay is calling... |
posted by TLT @ 7:40 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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