i'm currently relaxing... I was so exhausted last night... Was at the BB display, but by the end of it, for whatever reason, my head was thumping and I just felt like a dead weight (despite only sitting watching for the entire evening)... mind was pretty active though which was pretty annoying coz it meant that i couldn't sleep for ages... So i think today shall continue to be on of relaxation... No plans. I like it that way.
Perhaps i shall go out for a walk to get some air and go and visit Molly... we'll see.
oooooh... the LUWERO sponsor count is currently sitting at just under £1000 *grins* and more than half of the yp haven't handed their money back yet, so yeh... happy happy. *grins*Labels: 24 hour event, BB, Displays, LUWERO, Molly, tired |