Wednesday, June 11, 2008 |
God of grace... mark 2. |
Today was abbie's first ever tooth brush day... she actually did pretty well... who would have thought that dog's could get tooth brushes and tooth paste? Its quite funny really... but she did well...
That aside i've been working away today.. it's been averagely busy... am quite tired now though - i have 4 giant banana's = its exciting - it's for work - but yes.. they're massive - almost as big as me!!!! *grins*
That aside... God has continued to make me smile today... someone came up to me with an envelope today. The said envelope contained £100 - they told me it was to cover the money out of my account for the car hire, i told them the church was paying for it - they told me well that's fine, use it for something else.. God is doing something crazy at the moment - it's so exciting!!!! :D I indeed feel rather blessed! |
posted by TLT @ 11:00 pm |
A God of Grace... |
 I"m so sorry it's been so long since i've written on here. There are many reasons... partly i've been very busy with work, partly i've been ill at times or too tired (am tired now - but there you go - feel blessed ;)) And to be honest there have been times that i probably could have written something but just couldn't be bothered or couldn't think of anything to write... that's the problem with these things - if you've not written anything for a while then you don't know where to begin when you start again....
but i'm going to start from this last weekend...
Had a bit of a problem on Friday evening - i had arranged to borrow sheena 'n geo's car hamish to drive yp to FRENZY on Saturday, but hamish wasn't well... so panic kinda then hit coz that meant that i had to find a way of getting 5 folk across to edinburgh for the full day (not actually that easy a thing to do to be honest) so Eric (who is on my church board and who happened - which is very unusual, his presence had confused me in the first place, but hey God does weird and wonderful things doesn't he??) suggested a hire car that i would get the money back from the board for *yas!* so yes a rather rushed phone call to Enterprise down the road lead to me getting a nice wee Toyota Yaris for the weekend - loved it! it was amazing! It was soooo nice to drive... Now i don't have a car.. coz really i don't need one,(and defo couldn't afford one!) the arrangement i have with Sheena 'n Geo to be on their insurance for their second car suits great... but man that wee yaris made me wish i had a wee car - lol.. but no. Amusing wee story for you though... went to put some petrol in it at like 11pm on Friday night 'n couldn't find how to get into the petrol cap - had to ask a dude... i'm sure whoever was watching the CCTV probably had a wee chuckle to themselves as did the guy probably when he got back into his car... but yes... how do you get into the petrol cap of a car that doens't have a key?! and that was nifty too *grins* loved it.
SO yes... But today has been my birthday - which has been nice... quiet. But something amazing happened today... Ive been struggling a wee bit to make ends meet of late - thankfully i have exceptionally supportive parents who have helped (although they don't have to! although i'm very grateful that they have on occassion) but today has been a very testing day with regards to the whole money thing... but at a point where i really was worried about it God did something amazing and put someone into my path that has gifted money to me every month for the next 6 months. They had been considering it for a wee while and when they saw me today 'n they felt that it was confirmed that they needed to do this... needless to say it left me in tears coz God was again providing for me through these generous individuals.. I'm so blessed!
Isn't God wonderful??
I think so :D |
posted by TLT @ 12:10 am |
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 | | - Free IQ Test |
posted by TLT @ 1:10 pm |
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Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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