Sunday, December 24, 2006 |
thinking... |
it occurred to me today.... and this is gonna sound completely whacky and off the wall...
but what if all that fog in London that caused all of the plane delays was a weird prevention another 'terrorist plot' against the airlines?? Possible? perhaps? Is that how God works? I dunno.........
that aside... this time tomorrow i'll be at my home church at the watchnight service *grins* sooooooooooo looking forward to going home!!!
*grins* |
posted by TLT @ 12:07 am |
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 |
randomness... |
this is what happens when your sister (or Bro-in-law) are online on msn, but aren't actually at the computer... therefore they're not responding and your creative juices kick in.....
TLT's 12 days of Christmas...
on the 1st day of Christmas my true love sent to me... a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 2nd day of Christmas my true love sent to me... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 3rd day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 4th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 5th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 6th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 7th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 8th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 8 pairs of chucks... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 9th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 9 burning candles... 8 pairs of chucks... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 10th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 10 chocolate tree dec's... 9 burning candles... 8 pairs of chucks... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 11th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 11 take that CDs... 10 chocolate tree dec's... 9 burning candles... 8 pairs of chucks... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
on the 12th day of Christmas my true love sent to me... 12 clueless (but cute) nativity angels... 11 take that CDs... 10 chocolate tree dec's... 9 burning candles... 8 pairs of chucks... 7 piles for ironing... 6 bags of pasta.. 5 days to gooooooooooooo.... 4 pressies under the tree... 3 depressed young people... a sister and bro-in-law that dont' respond to their msn...... and a brother that can now drive... *eeeeeeek*
*hehehehehe* ah well... 5 days and i can go home and the madness can continue *grins* |
posted by TLT @ 10:30 pm |
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 |
my wish list... |
If you're stuck then here's my 'wish list'... not that i'm expecting presents you'll understand, but yeh...
* Snow Patrol - Eyes Open (CD Album) * Take That - Beautiful World (CD Album) * The Family Stone (DVD) - although i did mention this to Phil... but who knows........ *hehe*
mm... oh...
* The Wild - Disney Pixar (DVD)
Hehehe such a funny film....
and for the record all of these things will generally be a lot cheaper on a website like than they would in the high street, although i think that the supermarkets can have good deals at times... Why is that I wonder??? How come the high street shops sell stuff a whole lot more expensive????
Anyway - that aside... I finished wrapping all my pressies more or less last night... just got to finish them off with labels *hehe* Ick it's minging outside again today... so i doubt i'll go out. It's actually meant to be my day off.... but i've had the last 2 afternoons off, and i have a video/powerpoint type thing to finish for tomorrow for the ministers for the School Service... so yeh... i think i will have to be concentrating on that today. |
posted by TLT @ 11:43 am |
Tuesday, December 12, 2006 |
My first Christmas Tree.... |
Here be my first Christmas Tree (of my own)...
loook how pretty....

It's so pretty.... dad brought me a real tree down from the place up at tyrebagger, 'n he got me some pretty lights too *grins* 'n one of the sets are the wee lanterns like what we used to have on our tree at home... And i put some baubles up - bought some of the ones i'd made for church 'n stuff and stuck them up... so yeh. it's pretty. We put it up with Christmas music on in the background too... am ready for Christmas now... can't wait to get home and have a break. |
posted by TLT @ 11:26 am |
Friday, December 01, 2006 |
Busy busy busy.... |
well what's new.... am always busy... i guess it passes the time as dad says *wink* Had a bit of a lazy morning... a parcel came to the door early, but I was so tired that I went back to bed after that *blushes* but then some friends from home texted me on their way down for the Cliff Richard concert tonight... so met up with them in town for lunch... but yeh....... it's all good. was nice to see them.
Anyway that's it. Not much else to say... yesterday was meeting mayhem... joy. |
posted by TLT @ 3:46 pm |
About Me |

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
See my complete profile
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