Saturday, July 28, 2007 |
Off again i go... |
Sorry for the lack of update this week... it's been quite a busy week by all accounts... been busy every evening - craziness... Anyway... Today I'm off again... this time its work related. I'm taking 5 young people (and my 'weebro') down to Troon on mission... 2 of the young people haven't done mission before, so it'll be interesting to see how they get on... I'm looking forward to seeing them shine :)
But yes... we're litterally leavin in the next hour or so... so have to get tidied up and get lunch sorted... Have a good week!Labels: Mission |
posted by TLT @ 10:58 am |
Monday, July 23, 2007 |
Clan... |
Well i'm back from CLAN. Got back on Saturday afternoon before heading head first into prep for Sunday. But kicking back a bit today. Been doing some cleaning and having a day at the flat doing various bits and pieces. CLAN was great though... it was a challenge. God did a lot in me, and others. I learned loads, and as tiring as the week was, it was definitely worth it. Next years 'theme' is Grace, so i'm reaaaaallllly looking forward to that! Will have to get my booking in soon before I forget! *lol* The people I was there with great too!!! *hehe* I shared a flat with Mags and he son Martin who's one of my young people, and there were other folk in the flat from other churchs that were also really nice. Then Sheena 'n Geo were there, and also Susan and Maria... So it was great.... They're all so funny... even if they don't mean to be sometimes *lol* It was definitely a week of blessings. God is goooood *grins*Labels: Clan Gathering |
posted by TLT @ 3:32 pm |
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 |
Back in Glasvegas... |
Well i got back to Glasgow on Monday after having a very nice week or so up north with the family... It was good to catch up with folks from church, both kemnay and AoG, and family, both kemnay and peterhead etc, and just relax a bit not having to think about my work here at all. I feel very much recharged in that respect. Although today i have to blitz some admin stuff seeing as I don't have Abbie here to go after all my paper work as i sort it out on the floor! Talking about Abbie... she's getting sooooo big! oh my... i'm sure i'll be seeing quite a difference in her when i get her back in a couple of weeks time! I miss her so much already! Hopefully she's being a good girl for her grandma... Oh yes... my mother who claims she dislikes dogs has already had Hollie (Abbie's sister) for a week, and has since had Abbie, and appears to be enjoying herself, and is being a true model of a grandma to the both of them, with treats for being good girls to providing a lap for them both to sleep on... awwwwww. Abbie just LOVES playing with her sister Hollie. They play fight lots, and i'm sure they'll miss each other again when abbie comes back to glasgow... I'm sure it'll be a great reunion in October when i'm back again. We got her a new bean bag coz she liked her sisters sooooo much. But yeh....... after a long walk this is what happens... she's flaked out on her new bean bag, and nothing you can do will wake her up again *lol* Apparently she is being a good girl for her grandma which is good. i dunno, maybe i'll get to see her at some point since I won't be getting her back for about 4 weeks *sads*
Anyway... today has been quite eventful so far..... I got a parcel and when i went to the door to get it I discovered that there were 2 pidgeons flying about at the top of the stairwell unable to get out again. Quite a traumatic experience actually coz they flapped about lots. Kinda reminded me of that film 'the birds' *eeeeeeeeeeek* So eventually I mustered up the courage to go and push the window open to see if they would be clever enough to go out the window at the top of the stairwell, they were - eventually. But in doing that accidentally got locked out of that flat *doh* so I ended up going and getting keys from Sheena 'n Geo to get back in. So i've only just got back from that. *wooop* ah well... who said life was dull?!Labels: Abbie, family, hollie, pidgeons |
posted by TLT @ 12:18 pm |
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 |
Rest and relaxation... well kinda. |
well i came back up north to kemnay last thursday. It's been nice being here and relaxing a bit... been a bit busy though. Lots going on. Plus Abbie was reunited with her sister Hollie which was really funny, coz they play fight lots and run around lots. She's abosultely knackered a lot of the time! *lol* But yeh, we were house/dog sitting with my grandparents for my sister yesterday coz there was a workman in laying a wooden floor for them in their living room, it's really nice! Was fun hanging out with Granma and Granda too *grins* Also been to the AoG picnic, caught up with some folk there, abbie had a great time and must have met every child under the age of 11 twice over if not more... was fun though.
And all this fun and happiness in amongst all the terrible things that have been happening in London and Glasgow. So harsh. In some ways i'd love to know what it is that leads these individuals to do such horrific and terrible things! I don't think that violence is necessarily the answer to any frustration, or whatever it is thats leading them to behave the way they do. It sickens me to think that someone can feel achievement from blowing up as many innocent civillians as possible.Labels: home, puppies, terrorism |
posted by TLT @ 9:27 am |
About Me |

Name: TLT
Home: Glasgow, United Kingdom
About Me: I'm a youthworker with a church in the North of Glasgow... I enjoy watching films 'n surfing the net 'n hanging out with friends...
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